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Have a walk with the Lord

Congratulations, you have seen the end of January. Welcome to February. This month, God will double your blessings in Jesus name. Often we...

Have a walk with the Lord

Congratulations, you have seen the end of January. Welcome to February. This month, God will double your blessings in Jesus name.

Often we are told as Christians to work for the Lord. Of course, there are several ways of working for the Lord. Some people are engaged in evangelism, others work in the church as ushers, youth teachers, children teachers, etc.

However, not all those who work for the Lord walk with the Lord. You may be a worker for the Lord and not be His walking companion.

As simple as walking is, which is simply taking a few steps on your feet to move from one location to another, the way you walk tells a lot about you. It portrays a body language that most people can read.

For instance, if a man and his wife decide to take a walk round the estate in which they reside, they may either be talking as they walk, holding arms or chatting as they walk around.

Anyone seeing the duo is sure they have a friendly relationship. That is the same way; we should nurture our Christian life.

So, the question is how do I walk with Jesus that I cannot see? You can walk with Jesus. You may not see him but you know as a Christian that Christ lives. Jesus is alive.

For you to call someone your friend, there must be something about that person that you like to be apart of. In the same way, you need to get your spirit man to be hungry and thirsty for Jesus.

The way to satisfy that hunger which is also a means of cultivating a relationship with the Lord, you need to familiarize yourself with the Word.

The Holy Bible gives us an understanding of the Word in John 1 vs. 1 “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.

Note, “ the Word was with God”.

Brethren, the way to walk with the Lord is to study the Word and keep his commandments. Don’t be surprised that a worker may not be one that walks with the Lord. How?

Some are so busy with other activities of the church that they do not have the time to study and meditate on the Bible. Some even assume that their work for the Lord is equal to a walk with Him. Far from it. Working for the Lord, is no guarantee for his favour, if you do not walk with him.

Walking with the Lord is a sure way of cultivating a relationship with him.This you can do yourself by reading and meditating on the Word. When we walk with the Lord, we develop a fellowship with Him. Once you are in a fellowship with the Lord, you are sure of his care and love for you. In other words, he will take care of your challenges.

Psalm 122 vs. 1 states: “ I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD”. Going into the house of the Lord is to worship him, keep his commandments and have a sustained fellowship with the Lord.

Once you have a relationship with the burden bearer, you will begin to look away from challenges and look forward to testimony. Many of us bother too much about challenges that we do not allow our spirit to look towards the day of testimony that will surely come once you are in a fellowship with Jesus.

2nd Peter 3 vs. 9 says something about Jesus “ The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”. The keyword for us here is the assurance that God does not want us to perish and the need for us to repent. When we repent and ask for forgiveness, God will have mercy on us.

READ ALSO: Faith in the Redemptive names of God (30)

I’ll share with you the story of a lady who had abortions four times in her early teenage years.

She got married and she had delays in child bearing. Medical science calls it secondary infertility. Of course, she couldn’t tell her husband, how many times she had abortions but she began to cry unto God for mercy.

She regularly confessed her sins and cried to God, saying, “ Lord, I know that I don’t deserve to have children because I have committed abortions four times but please have mercy on me”.

This was her regular pattern of praying. She could have had children but the forces of darkness capitalized on her sins and stopped her from having children.

You ask how? Her husband was found to have low sperm count, and she very weak eggs. That is physical but she regularly had dreams of people telling her in her dreams that she would never have children in that marriage.

Brethren, you see that this was a combination of factors. Even when she tried IVF, it failed.

She, however, intensified prayers attending many prayer meetings and studying the word of God. One night, she had the same dream of someone boasting that she would never have children but another voice said to her, they are Liars.

The voice that called them liars was that of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.

Brethren, she could hear the voice of the Spirit of God because she had developed a relationship with God.
Today as I write, she is a mother of four children.

I have told you this so that you can come to the realization that yours is not impossible. I don’t know what the challenge is, but our God can reverse the irreversible.

Those who boasted she will not have children bowed to the power of the Almighty God.

If you need God’s intervention in your life, then take a decision to walk with Him. Brethren, the time you use to study the Bible is never wasted. Those words taken in by your Spirit serve as your bullets against the attack of the enemy, which is often while we are asleep.

The forces of darkness are very active in the dark and that is why most times, they are effective when we are asleep but our God neither sleeps nor slumber as stated is Psalm 121 vs 4: “ Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep”.

If attacked in the dream, you must be equipped with the word of God to send the arrow back to the sender. A carefree approach to your dream may make a challenge linger but once your spirit is conscious and you are able to use the appropriate Bible passage to send the arrow back, you are sure to be liberated.

Brethren, a month is gone in2020; you still have time to take a decision to walk with the Lord.

Don’t forget to take time to fast and pray. It moves you closer to the end of whatever challenge confronts you.

As often said, every challenge has an expiry date. Yours too will expire sooner than you think.

Have a blessed week in Jesus name.

Vanguard Nigeria News

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